The Rhea County High School Debate team is set to perform a mock presidential debate at Rhea County Republican Headquarters during the Strawberry Festival on May 5 at 7 P.M.
Republican Party chair Linda Pendergrass welcomes everyone to stop by for the show to see students will imitate Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders as they discuss today’s most relevant issues.
“We’re excited to see young people interested and excited about politics,” states Pendergrass. “We hope this is the beginning of getting a new group into politics.”
RCHS Debate Club teacher, Connie Landreth, says, “We are thrilled that the public is interested in our debate.”
Landreth and her students have worked for weeks, researching the candidates’ views and practicing their speeches.
“We have increased our knowledge of politics and political campaigns, and we have had fun in the process. I am extremely proud of these exemplary young ladies and gentlemen,” states Landreth.
“I am excited to see them utilize their rhetorical skills again, and I am excited for the future of our country when I think of how bright and talented they are.”
Students and respective candidates are as follows:
Dakota Thurman–Ted Cruz
Kristen Liles–Hillary Clinton
Caleb Shaver–Bernie Sanders
Dakota Parsons–Donald Trump
Canyon Blaylock and Drew Hilleary will be debate moderators.
Rhea County Republican Party’s monthly May meeting will begin after the debate, and county chair Linda Pendergrass encourages everyone to make the most of the opportunity and stay for the meeting.
In addition to the debate, Pendergrass says to look for Rhea GOP’s booth at the festival on May 6-7, where the party will assist in voter registration as part of their 2016 “Get out the Vote” Campaign.