Rhea GOP Monthly Meeting – November

RCSD Training Center 711 Eagle Ln Ste 1, Evensville, TN, United States

The Rhea GOP will usually hold monthly meetings, on the first Thursday at 7 pm. Expect good fellowship, and updates from state and federal legislators, and help us advance the Conservative Movement […]

Rhea GOP Monthly Meeting – December

RCSD Training Center 711 Eagle Ln Ste 1, Evensville, TN, United States

The Rhea GOP will usually hold monthly meetings, on the first Thursday at 7 pm. Expect good fellowship, and updates from state and federal legislators, and help us advance the Conservative Movement […]

2024 Rhea GOP Monthly Meetings

RCSD Training Center 711 Eagle Ln Ste 1, Evensville, TN, United States

The Rhea GOP will usually hold monthly meetings, on the first Thursday at 7 pm.

2nd Annual BBQ at the Courthouse Square

We will be having our 2nd Annual BBQ at the Courthouse Square September 7th, starting at 1 and going till we run out of BBQ. This is free. Many of you county, state and federal office holders will be there.